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Category: Business

statue of Goebel with one arm raised

The Four Days Governor

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Recently I was in Frankfort, KY visiting a friend and she took me to see the Frankfort Cemetery.  There are a number of illustrious people buried there, including Daniel Boone and many previous governors.  Her favorite, however, was William Goebel, a governor who was assassinated. As a business librarian and blogger, I am always looking …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Upcoming Lecture: Larry Doyle on the Relationship Between Wall Street and Washington

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Larry Doyle has worked on and around Wall Street for the last 30 years, having embarked on his Wall Street career in 1983 as a mortgage-backed securities trader for The First Boston Corporation. He served as Chair of the Mortgage Trading Committee for the Public Securities Association. After working at Bear Stearns, Union Bank of …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

A 1898 Big Data graphic

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Working at the Library has meant that I have had to adjust my concept of business history.  Prior to working here, doing business research meant finding the most current and up to date information and history meant two years. It wasn’t long after starting that I realized Library of Congress researchers had a much different …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

“Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way” lecture by Bruce Rosenstein

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Peter Drucker’s groundbreaking work turned management theory into a serious discipline.  Often called the father of modern management, Drucker penned numerous influential works on organization and management Bruce Rosenstein, in this his second book based on the late Drucker’s wisdom, demonstrates once again that Drucker’s teachings go beyond the discipline of management to principles for …