Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a traveling circus on the road? 2023 Junior Fellow Hannah Meyer has written a post that takes a look under the big top.
Read about the two new entries to Business Reference's This Month in Business History project; one on A. Philip Randolph and one on the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.
If you are researching active companies, we have two webinars -- Doing Private Company Research and Doing Public Company Research -- that may be of interest.
Despite a brief spike in popularity in the early 1920s, iced coffee was not a typical American drink. A number of campaigns from coffee cooperatives sought to change that.
Explore New York City at the turn of the 19th century through two recently acquired copies of David Longworth's The New York Directory and Register for 1798 and 1806.
In the history of the organized labor movement Samuel Gompers who, in 1881, helped to found the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions which later became the American Federation of Labor, is a seminal figure.