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Category: Business

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

James Johnston speaking about Yarrow Mamout on April 6

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Curious about a portrait of “Old Yarrow” by James Alexander Simpson that hangs in the Peabody Room of Washington, D.C.’s Georgetown public library, James J. Johnston a journalist and attorney decided he wanted to know more and eventually ended up writing a book From Slave Ship to Harvard. The portrait “Old Yarrow” was of Yarrow …

the buildings shows signs for a soda fountain, Ray's Letter and Printing, and a show shine; three men are talking at the steps of the building

Tiny but Mighty: Mann’s 1904 Afro-American Business Directory

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Business Reference is often asked for information about older or defunct businesses and finding any information can be challenging. But it is even harder to research businesses that were owned and operated by African Americans. While some business directory publishers may have denoted those businesses in some way, that wasn’t always the case. Recently I …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Not “Frozen”: Researching the Frozen Dinner Industry

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This post was written by our new reference librarian in Business Angel Vu. She will eventually become a blogger here at Inside Adams so look for more posts in the future. During winter, when we are surrounded by an abundance of delicious homemade goodies, the history of frozen dinners and the frozen food industry typically …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Miss Margaret Reynolds and Early Bank Libraries

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if I had been a business librarian 100 years ago. Two articles from Bankers Magazine from the 1920’s on early bank libraries offer some insight. One article from June 1921,“Usefulness of Bank Libraries,” was brief and really only gave a little information about Guaranty Trust Company …