This post was written by Michelle Cadoree Bradley, a Science Reference Specialist in the Science, Technology and Business Division. In the collections of the Library of Congress, there are thousands of books in red buckram binding. These fairly innocuous exteriors can sometimes hide unique items. One such item from the stacks is the book Model Aircraft Project from …
The Library has many collections that may not, at first glance, be obvious places to find information for those doing business research. Most of these collections are only accessible to those that come to the Library, but some of the material from those collections has been digitized. Business Reference created a list of these “special” …
When I was writing the posts about the Capitol dome, I wrote one about the firm of Janes, Fowler, & Kirtland Co. and in the post I included an image of one of the stoves they manufactured. At the time, I was pretty confident that I wouldn’t be doing much more research on cast iron …
This post was written by Nancy Lovas a new Business Reference Librarian. I write atop a bookshelf in the Adams Reading Room with an excellent view of the mural on the east wall. I’ve returned to the Business Reference Section after nearly three years away and I’m getting reintroduced to all my old friends. One …
While working on a new research guide, I ran across references for what looked to be an interesting book – State of the Trade of Great Britain with all Parts of the World by César Moreau. Because I wasn’t looking too closely at the record, I initially thought it was a book, but it turned …
One of my favorite business titles in the Library’s collection is the Listing Statements of the New York Stock Exchange. It yields a lot of really interesting information on stocks and bonds issued by companies. It sometimes even includes company financial information, which can make it a great source for those doing company research. However, …
Almost a year ago fellow blogger Yvonne Dooley did a post about the Grand Watermelon whose design was intended to thwart counterfeiting – and when it comes to money, counterfeiting is the persistent problem. One early publication that bankers used in the fight against this scourge was Thompson’s Bank Note and Commercial Reporter, which was …
The rather curious title of this post comes in part from a serial title, but doesn’t really do justice to what is actually in the publication. That job is left to the publication’s full title which does a better job of letting readers know what to expect. The full title is Ready Reference Book for …