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Category: Cookbooks and Food

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Food Thrift: Scraps from the Past

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

Today’s post is authored by Constance Carter, head of the science reference section. Connie has written for us before, see her post - Celebrate with a Chocolate Chip Cookie. Today, as the country recovers from an economic downslide, we can seek our forebears’ advice and learn from their ingenuity. How exactly did they use their talents to …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Pic of the Week: Dedicated to Their Husbands and Gentlemen Friends.

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

Today’s Pic of the Week comes from the Library’s collection of American church, club, and community cookbooks. The picture featured is the cover of the 1889 Cooks in Clover: Reliable Recipes, compiled by the Ladies of the North Reformed Church (Passaic, New Jersey). This cookbook is “dedicated to their husbands and gentlemen friends.” Selections from …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Cockles, Motto Lozenges, and Sweethearts

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

I was recently at a dinner party where the gracious hostess embellished the dining room table with Sweethearts, also known as Conversation Hearts and Sweet Talks. As you can imagine, the guests questioned the history of these sweethearts and turned to me for an answer. I promised that when I returned to the Library that …