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Category: Heritage Months, Holidays, and Today in History

Save the Date International Women's Day Library of Congress Washington DC, March 8 2023 9:30am to 12:00pm

International Women’s Day Symposium at the Library of Congress, March 8

Posted by: Natalie Burclaff

Join us in-person at the Library of Congress on the morning of Wednesday, March 8 for a conversation around the current state of investments in technology, increasing the percentage of women in leadership positions, and how to incorporate diverse thinking when solving for today's problems through technology.

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

National Library Week: Welcome to Your Library, In Person or Virtually

Posted by: Natalie Burclaff

This year's National Library Week is being celebrated with the theme "Welcome to Your Library," which recognizes the importance of delivering library services beyond the traditional brick and mortar library. Find out what services and resources the Science, Technology, and Business Division is offering virtually.