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Category: Heritage Months, Holidays, and Today in History

women in long dark dresses and hats walk along the sidewalk one shop has a canopy covering part of the sidewalk

Pic of the Week: Black Friday

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This black and white photograph of Christmas shoppers from the early 20th century made me think of the modern Black Friday shopping frenzy.  But since Black Friday has already been a blog topic, I thought I would use this as an opportunity to re-feature posts from Inside Adams and the other Library blogs, posted in …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Pic of the Week: Under Construction

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Labor Day weekend starts in a few hours so I thought I would feature a photograph of the Adams Building (then known as the Library of Congress Annex) while it was under construction. Funds for the construction of the building were appropriated in 1930, with an additional appropriation in 1935.  It was mentioned in in …

She Works Hard for the Money

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

The Women’s Bureau was organized in 1920 as an agency within the Department of Labor to represent the needs of working women.  As part of its mission, it published many books and pamphlets about women’s issues and the working conditions of women.  Since March is Women’s History Month, I thought this would be a good …