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Category: Heritage Months, Holidays, and Today in History

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Celebrating the NPS Centennial with a Display in the Science & Business Reading Room

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This is a guest blog post by Nanette Gibbs, a volunteer working in Science Reference. On August 25, 2016, the National Park Service celebrated the centennial of the National Park Service Organic Act. To mark the beginning of the 2nd century of the National Park Service, a schedule of events is planned that includes live …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Roosevelt, Muir, and The Camping Trip

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This guest post was written by Constance Carter the previous head of Science Reference who now volunteers here at the Library. One of the most delightful children’s books I have read is Barb Rosenstock’s The Camping Trip that Changed America: Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and our National Parks (New York, Dial Books for Young Readers, …

the buildings shows signs for a soda fountain, Ray's Letter and Printing, and a show shine; three men are talking at the steps of the building

Tiny but Mighty: Mann’s 1904 Afro-American Business Directory

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Business Reference is often asked for information about older or defunct businesses and finding any information can be challenging. But it is even harder to research businesses that were owned and operated by African Americans. While some business directory publishers may have denoted those businesses in some way, that wasn’t always the case. Recently I …