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Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Alexander McCall Smith and the World of Mma Precious Ramotswe

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

Alexander McCall Smith has been celebrated for his lead female detective and recently the Library of Congress celebrated him for his work. The associated display included early female detective works of fiction, comic books, and also the flora and fauna of the setting of Smith's famous The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency.

Print of side view of Raven facial features

The Raven Quoth

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

It's hard for the raven to shake the association to doom and gloom found in literature, religion, art, vocabulary (e.g. raving mad), and legends- and it doesn't help their case that a group of them is called an 'unkindness' of ravens. There is so much more to the raven than omens of bad luck.