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An Ingathering of the Exiles, Digital Style: Previous Blogs from the Hebraic Section

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The Hebraic Section is delighted to take part in the recently-launched “4 Corners of the World,” a blog that focuses on the Library of Congress’ international collections. Thanks to this wonderful web-initiative we will now be able to bring treasures from the Hebraic Section to the attention of the wider public and, indeed, have already begun doing so.

But for the sake of gathering in the exiles, so to speak, and making all our blogs available in one place, we are listing here the earlier posts from our “wandering” period, as it were; the months before we had the “4 Corners of the World” to call home:

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Image 1Gathered Around the Seder Table: Images from the Passover Haggadah
April 25, 2016
Exodus 23:15 tells us that Passover should be celebrated in the spring. The rabbis understood this to mean it was their job to maintain the holiday in the spring, which required some […]


A Tale of Two Hebrew Patronesses
March 14, 2016
Every age has its own image of the “woman of valor,” and in the crumbling Jewish world of post-exilic Spain, that image was embodied in the persons of two unique women: Doña Gracia Nasi and Signora Benvenida […]


Songs3A Valentine for the Ages: The Biblical “Song of Songs”
February 11, 2016
With its rich nature imagery and enigmatic dream-like sequences, the “Song of Songs” (also known as the “Songs of Solomon”) is surely one of the world’s great love poems and one of the most popular books in […]


Omanut1From Russia With Love: Illustrated Children’s Books in Hebrew
December 9, 2015
Imagine that some brightly plumed bird-of-paradise has flown in amongst your backyard warblers, and you’ll probably know how I felt upon discovering a beautifully illustrated book in the vaults of the Library of Congress. Nestled between […]

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