Friday, November 4, 2016, noon (Newly Added!) Conversations with African Poets and Writers: Shenaz Patel The Poetry and Literature Center and the African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress present Conversations with African Poets and Writers: Shenaz Patel. Mauritian writer Shenaz Patel will read selections of her work and participate in a …
(The following is a post by Marieta Harper, Area Specialist, African Section, African and Middle Eastern Division.) For almost a millennium, one of the world’s oldest manuscript collections has survived despite the vagaries of the weather, inadequate storage, termites, fire, theft, and wars. These are the manuscript collections of Timbuktu (a city on the edge …
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, noon – 1 p.m. (ET) “The Persian Book Lecture Series” 2016 Focus: Literature and Performing Arts Featuring Lecture: The Return of the Masters: Connections, Contestations, and the Redrawing of Persian Literary History By Dr. Kevin Schwartz, Kluge Fellow at the Library of Congress This program is jointly organized by the Near …
(The following is a post by Sonya Lee, Reference Specialist, Korean Collection, Asian Division.) Even though the Library of Congress did not start collecting Korean materials earnestly until the early 20th century, now its Korean collection is the largest and most comprehensive outside of East Asia. One of its strength is its collection of works …
Tuesday, October 18, 2016, noon – 1 p.m. (ET) “The Persian Book Lecture Series” 2016 Focus: Literature and Performing Arts Featuring Film: Isfahan to Irvine – Documentary Film Screening by Hossein Omoumi, Followed by Q&A This program is jointly organized by the Near East Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library …
(The following is a post by Bethany Wages, 2016 Junior Fellow, with Barbara Dash, Rare Book Cataloger.) The Library of Congress acquired the Yudin Collection from the Siberian bibliophile Gennadii Yudin (1840-1912) in 1906. It represents the largest personal Russian library in the United States and is the foundation of the Library’s Russian-language collections. This …
We, the four area studies divisions of the Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic, are very excited to announce that the Library of Congress International Collections Facebook page is now live! Whether you are a student, educator, researcher, scholar, librarian, or a member of the general public interested in international …
Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 11 a.m. (ET) HISPANIC READING ROOM RESEARCH ORIENTATION Sign up for our research orientation and learn about the Hispanic Reading Room services and collections. Orientations are offered to the public the second Tuesday of every month from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.. Those attending should obtain a Library of Congress Reader …