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4 Corners: International Collections Program Calendar, 4/13/2018

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Floor Plans

Jeffrey Lilley book talkWednesday, April 18, 2018, noon – 1 p.m.
Book Talk: Have the Mountains Fallen?

The Near East Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress and the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic present “Have the Mountains Fallen?,” a book talk by Jeffrey B. Lilley. This event will commemorate the 90th birthday anniversary of Chingiz Aitmatov (1928-2008), one of the most important authors writing on the new society arising out of the former Soviet Union. In his talk, Jeffrey Lilley will also cover the remarkable career of Azamat Altay (1920-2006), who managed to escape from Nazi prison camps and fled to the West becoming the voice of democracy to Kyrgyzstan. The program will be followed by book signing. Free and open to the public.
Location: The African and Middle Eastern Reading Room, LJ-220, Thomas Jefferson Building, 2nd floor.
Contact: Joan Weeks, (202) 707-3657

Colombian Treasures Library of CongressWednesday, April 18, 2018, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Display: Colombian Treasures at the Library of Congress
From April 14 through April 22, 2018, festivities across Washington, D.C., will celebrate Colombia’s many diverse cultures, rhythms, colors, flavors, traditions and the enduring, ever-expanding U.S.-Colombia friendship. Join us at the Library of Congress for a showcase of Colombian treasures from our vast Latin American collections. On display, we will have items such as the papers of figures like Simón Bolivar, Francisco de Paula Santander, rare literary audio recordings of Colombian writers and poets, as well as unique prints and photographs. (To find out more, visit here)
Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and the Embassy of Colombia.
Free tickets available via Eventbrite
Location: LJ-119, Thomas Jefferson Building, 1st floor
Contact: [email protected]

Ancient Oman symposiumTuesday, April 24, 2018, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Symposium: Ancient Oman: Archaeological Digs and Historical Discoveries in the Sultanate of Oman

Please join the Library of Congress and the Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center (SQCC) for a full day symposium on “Ancient Oman: Archaeological Digs and Historical Discoveries in the Sultanate of Oman.” Free and open to the public. Please allow time to clear security.
To RSVP for this event, please email [email protected] with a subject line “LOC-Full Name.”
Location: Jefferson Building Northeast Pavilion, 2nd floor, 10 First Street, SE, Washington, DC 20540.
Contact: Joan Weeks, (202) 707-3657

Asian Reading RoomSaturday, April 28, 2018, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Saturday Research Orientation to Asian Reading Room at Library of Congress

This free course is an introduction to the Asian Reading Room for researchers and the general public. The first part of the orientation gives the history of the Asian Division, as well as overviews of the six collections: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Tibetan, South Asian, and Southeast Asian. The second part includes guidelines on using the Library’s online catalog most effectively, requesting materials in a closed-stack library, accessing popular electronic resources available on-site, and finding materials (e.g., maps, photographs, manuscripts, motion pictures, newspapers and periodicals, etc.) in the Library’s other reading rooms.
Location: Thomas Jefferson Building, Room 139-B (next to 1st floor elevators at entrance to the Main Reading Room entrance).
Contact Info: Yuwu Song, Chinese reference librarian, [email protected]

JewishAmericanHeritageMonth2018 program flyerMonday, May 7, 2018, noon – 1 p.m.
Jewish American Heritage Month
Book Talk: Roads Taken: Jewish Peddlers and Their American Journey
In celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month, the Hebraic Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division, the Library of Congress and the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington present Professor Hasia Diner of New York University speaking about her newest book, “Roads Taken: Jewish Peddlers and Their American Journey.” Books will be available for purchase and signing. Free and open to the public. Please allow time to clear security.
Location: The African and Middle Eastern Reading Room, LJ-220, Thomas Jefferson Building, 2nd floor.
Contact: Sharon Horowitz, 202-707-3780, [email protected]

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