Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic.
African and Middle Eastern Division
TITLE: Sudanese Writer & Poet Bushra al-Fadil (view on YouTube)
SPEAKER: Bushra al-Fadil
EVENT DATE: 2018/02/27
RUNNING TIME: 45 minutes
TRANSCRIPT: View Transcript
DESCRIPTION: Sudanese poet and writer and winner of the 2017 Caine Prize, Bushra Al-Fadil, is featured in a presentation in partnership with the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa, the Caine Prize for African Writing and the Center for African Studies at Howard University.
TITLE: Snapshots of Ottoman Women in Court Records (view on YouTube)
SPEAKER: Betül Basaran
EVENT DATE: 2018/03/13
RUNNING TIME: 65 minutes
TRANSCRIPT: View Transcript
DESCRIPTION: Betül Basaran discussed views of Ottoman women via contemporary court records.
Speaker Biography: Betül Basaran is associate professor of religious studies for St. Mary’s College of Maryland.
Asian Division
TITLE: Moral Science in Postwar North Korea (view on YouTube)
SPEAKER: Dafna Zur
EVENT DATE: 2018/03/26
RUNNING TIME: 60 minutes
TRANSCRIPT: View Transcript
DESCRIPTION: Dr. Dafna Zur discussed new perspectives on North Korean youth literature and its relationship to the changing values assigned to scientific development. Dr. Zur teaches at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University.