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Archive: September 2018 (5 Posts)

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

4 Corners: International Collections Program Calendar 9/28/2018

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362 (Voice/TTY) or email [email protected]. Directions Floor Plans Wednesday, October 10, 2018, noon – 1 p.m. Book Talk: Historical Atlas of Hasidism The Hebraic Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division and the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress invite you …

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

Trivia, Bookmarks, and Websites, Oh My!

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

 (The following is a post by Tracy North, reference librarian and co-editor, HLAS, Hispanic Division.) Which Latin American country grows over 4,000 kinds of potatoes? How many countries are in South America? Who wrote Don Quixote?* At the 2018 National Book Festival, the Hispanic Division’s table, at the Library of Congress’ pavilion, hosted a trivia …

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

Native roots of Italian cuisine from the region of Lombardy

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

(The following is a post by Lucia Wolf, reference librarian for Italy, European Division.) In 2016, the Library of Congress acquired an Italian manuscript recipe book entitled “Zia Annita” (Aunt Annita), composed between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in Lombardy.  This booklet is but a recent addition to the Library’s notable collection of …

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

4 Corners: International Collections and Programs, 9/7/2018

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362 (Voice/TTY) or email [email protected]. Directions Floor Plans Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 11 a.m. Hispanic Reading Room Research Orientation Sign up for our research orientation and learn about the Hispanic Reading Room services and collections. Orientations are offered to the public the second Tuesday of …

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

An American traveler in Central Asia then and now: from travel log to travel blog

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

(The following is a post by Joan Weeks, head of the Near East Section, African and Middle Eastern Division.) Journeys to Central Asia retracing the ancient Silk Road routes from China to Istanbul captivated American travelers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as they do today’s tourists. With the advent of photography and …