(Post contribuido por Marie Arana, oriunda del Perú, historiadora, periodista, y ex-editora de libros del diario estadounidense The Washington Post. Actualmente, es directora literaria de la Biblioteca del Congreso.) Read the English version here. Hace doscientos años, justo en la cúspide de julio y agosto, un hombre transformó la suerte de la liberación en Hispanoamérica. …
To commemorate Colombia’s July 20th independence day, this blogpost discusses the Battle of Boyacá in 1819, led by Simón Bolívar, or the Liberator, who was critical in leading Latin America's wars for independence.
A list of newly released webcasts of the public programs organized by the Library of Congress' four area studies divisions - African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European and Hispanic.
This blog introduces the “Illustrated Album of Yangzhou Prefecture,” a collection of illustrated maps with detailed descriptions of regions in the Chinese prefecture of Yangzhou.
(The following is a post by Catalina Gómez, Reference Librarian, Hispanic Division.) On Friday, May 3, 2019, together with the Prints & Photographs Division, we had the pleasure of hosting, here in the Hispanic Reading Room, a stimulating collective art session with Mario Torero, one of California’s most important muralists and activists from the Chicano …
(The following is a cross-post by Neely Tucker, Writing-Editor in the Library’s Office of Communications. It originally appeared on the Library of Congress Blog.) The Black Ship scrolls are a genre of Japanese paintings that captured the historic meeting of two alien cultures: That 1854 moment when U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry barged into Edo Bay …
Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362 (Voice/TTY) or email [email protected]. Directions Floor Plans Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. EDT Research Orientation: European Reading Room A tour of the European Reading Room, and an orientation to the Library’s European collections, is being offered on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 …
(The following is a post by Tracy North, Reference Librarian and Social Sciences Editor, Handbook of Latin American Studies, Hispanic Division.) In the blog post to announce the publication of Volume 71 of the “Handbook of Latin American Studies” (HLAS), we drew attention to a study of pisco, the popular South American brandy. In Volume …
(The following is a repost from the Library of Congress Blog. The author is Neely Tucker, writer-editor in the Office of Communications.) “The Shahnamah,” (translated as “The Persian Book of Kings”) is the majestic narrative that recounts the history of pre-Islamic Persia, a staggering work of literature first published about 1,000 years ago. Written by …