(The following is a guest post by Suzanne Schadl, Chief of the Hispanic Division, and her daughters Camille and Erika Romero, who were born in Taos and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico.)
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what this recognition means, and I’ve decided it’s not just about me, it’s about New Mexico. We may be one of the poorest states in the union but we have a wealth of beauty and culture. This award is about the people of New Mexico.”
Rudolfo Anaya, receiving the National Humanities Medal.
It seems fitting to recognize Rudolfo Anaya (1937-2020) during National Hispanic Heritage Month. This New Mexico storyteller helped open doors for others in his state, where nearly half the population is Hispanic or Latino. Anaya’s voice resonates far beyond New Mexico and you can find it in the PALABRA Archive at the Library of Congress.

Throughout his celebrated career, Anaya collaborated with many authors, translators, and illustrators to publish anthologies and children’s books that celebrate New Mexico and Chicano Culture. His best-known novel, “Bless Me, Ultima” (1972), remains one of the highest selling works of Chicano literature, with an acclaimed adaptation to film in 2013. This multi-cultural bildungsroman created a space in the US imagination for the llano (open plains) of New Mexico, the healing wisdom of blended Indigenous and Catholic traditions, and Nuevomexicano vocabulary. It also secured an important honor within the Chicano Movement as a Quinto Sol recipient. The first national independent Chicano publishing house, Quinto Sol, published works that other publishing houses overlooked. “Bless Me, Ultima” (1972) was their second such publication.
The semi-autobiographical story is set in post WWII, Guadalupe, New Mexico. Its protagonist, Antonio, learns to navigate difficult life changes in his community with guidance from Ultima, la Grande, who resides with his family. In his own words, Anaya describes Ultima as “… a healer in the tradition of our native New Mexico healers. She is a repository of Spanish, Mexican and Native American teachings. Her role is to ‘open Antonio’s eyes’ so he can see the beauty of the landscape and understand the spiritual roots of his culture.”
As a public-school teacher in Albuquerque (1963-68) and English professor at the University of New Mexico (1974-93), Anaya – like Ultima – led pupils to their own paths. His writing retreat in Jemez Springs also offered writers a place for quiet reflection. In 2013, public nominations secured “Bless Me, Ultima” a position among the “100 Books That Shaped America.” Two years later President Obama awarded Anaya the National Humanities Medal, noting that the author extended “a love of literature to new generations.”

Anaya’s passing on June 28, 2020 encourages reflection on his legacy as a trailblazing Chicano in US publishing. Anaya used the triumph of “Bless Me, Ultima,” as he did the honor of the National Humanities Medal, to share his platform and influence. Here are 20 storytellers or illustrators featured in published works that Anaya wrote or edited. Put them on your list for further research: Ron Arias, Maria Baca, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Nash Candelaria, Ana Castillo, Denise Chávez, Amy Cordova, David Diaz, Lionel G. García, Cecilio Garcia-Camarillo, Edward Gonzales, Juan Felipe Herrera, E.A. Mares, Nicolás Otero, Robert L. Perea, Leroy V. Quintana, Leo Romero, Gustavo Sainz, Jesús Salvador Treviño, and Tino Villanueva.
Listen to Rudolfo Anaya in the PALABRA Archive. This audio recording is part of the PALABRA Archive’s HHM 2020 new digital audio release.
You might also enjoy hearing these Latino authors in the PALABRA Archive.
Further Reading:
Anaya, R. (1972). “Bless me, Ultima.” Quinto sol.
Anaya, R. A., & Márquez, A. (Eds.). (1984). “Cuentos Chicanos: A short anthology.” UNM Press.
Anaya, R. A. (Ed.). (1987). “Voces: an anthology of Nuevo Mexicano writers.” El Norte Publications.
Anaya, R. (1995). “The farolitos of Christmas.” Hyperion.
Anaya, R. A., & Baca, M. (1997). “Maya’s Children: The Story of La Llorona.” Disney.
Anaya, R. (2000). “Roadrunner’s dance.” Hyperion.
Anaya, R. (2011). “La llorona: The crying woman.” UNM Press.
Anaya, R. (2014) “How chile came to New Mexico = Comó llegó el chile a Nuevo México.” Rio Grande Books.
External Link: The Rudolfo Anaya Digital Archive
Comments (2)
Grateful to all the writers from all avenues of writing.
Please direct me to lullabies, children’s songs, folk songs, food and cooking and a excellent resource for learning about Hispanic history in the America’s.
I read English only.
I and my husband of 51 years wish to be more literate of Peoples with Hispanic heritage.
My husband reads works by Jose’ Louis Borges. He attended a workshop Borges gave and has 2 black and white photos he took of Mr Borges addressing the master class of students. ( Probably occured in 1970-1974.)
We have two of this writers works in hardcover. I love the story of The Maze.
Thank you kindly,
Gail Louise Auerbach
Hello Gail,
Thank you for your comments and questions.
If you are not already familiar with the PALABRA Archive, I would like to share the digital content with you here: https://www.loc.gov/collections/archive-of-hispanic-literature-on-tape/about-this-collection/. There is more in person. This Archive includes audio of major writers like Borges reading from their works in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and a number of other European and Indigenous languages. It offers a great entrance into Hispanic literacy! Keep an eye out here for a blog post on the PALABRA Archive. It will have additional references!
I am happy to get you started with some references for:
1). Lullabies: Audio files are really wonderful and accessible from anywhere, please see (and hear): https://www.loc.gov/search/?fa=language:spanish&q=lullabies
You might also look for a few bilingual compilations of lullabies and songs for children. The links below will give you information on titles, authors, publishers:
2). Folk Songs: Please be aware of these collections at the Library of Congress. There is some electronically accessible content available through the links provided.
John Donald Robb collection: https://lccn.loc.gov/2013655485
Rubén Cobos collection of Hispanic folk music of the southwest: https://lccn.loc.gov/2013655209
Juan B Rael collection, 1939-1999: https://lccn.loc.gov/2004695185
Hispanic folk songs of New Mexico: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003057059
Gabriel Muñoz and Melodias Borinqueñas : Puerto Rican folk music: https://lccn.loc.gov/2016655329
3). Finally cooking! We do have a lot at the Library of Congress. Please check out this bibliography created by one of our researchers!: https://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/cookery/intro.html
We are always happy to share additional information. Contact us at https://ask.loc.gov/caribbean-iberia-latin-america/