(The following is a post by Fentahun Tiruneh, area specialist for Ethiopia and Eritrea, African Section, African and Middle Eastern Division.)

She was raised in an aristocratic family. She was church-educated and is said to have excelled to the heights of composing traditional oral Qene poetry. After four failed marriages to important personages, she married Menelik when he was the ruler of Shewa. When Menelik became the emperor of Ethiopia in 1889, she became the empress of Ethiopia two days later with the regal title of “Etege Taytu Betul, Light of Ethiopia.” She was barren, but a good step-mother to Zewditu, the daughter of Menelik begotten from his first wife, and whom she tried to help ascend the throne in her last days.

Empress Taytu Betul (1853-1918) understood internal and foreign politics. She counseled the emperor on the devious notions of the colonialists. The Emperor consulted her before he passed a decision on key governance issues. (Zawalde, p.13) The diary of Augusto Salimbeni – an Italian engineer who was part of the delegation for the Treaty – provides evidence that
Empress Taytu played a significant role in the process of unification [of Ethiopia]. She clarified issues for Menelik, and she had an individuality and warmth as a woman that was rarely seen by foreigners. (Prouty, p. 199)
Combined with her compassionate nature was her passion and resolve to safeguard her country’s independence and history.
Of all the good qualities for which Empress Taytu is credited, her dedication to the emperor during the crisis that followed the dispute over the Wichale Treaty stands out. The supposed Italo-Ethiopian Treaty of Friendship and Commerce was discovered to include in Article 17 the intention of Italy to make Ethiopia a protectorate. This infuriated Taytu. During the course of the deliberations, the empress demonstrated considerable indignation and determination to oust the Italians of Ethiopian territories. As tension mounted, the empress persuaded the emperor to declare war against Italy. This culminated in the 1896 Battle of Adwa.

Count Pietro Antonelli, the lead negotiator is said to have remarked, “Menelik is playing games on me by giving up his regal authority to a woman.” To this the empress issued a retort,
“My womanliness and your manliness is going to be tested on the battle field. Do not absent yourself!” (Zewelde, p.19)
The empress seemed to be the main architect of the battle as she had her own contingent of close to five thousand troops and 100 women, including Princess Zewditu Menelik. She took command of provisional and medical operations during the battle, and positioned herself as a powerful moral force. Most importantly, she commanded operation to prevent Italian military access to all sources of potable water. This strategy worked in favor of the emperor and the Ethiopians prevailed in the battle. In the event of the Italians’ second coming (1935) Empress Menen, spouse of Emperor Haile Selassie I admitted the exemplary role of Empress Taytu when she said, “I shall do it as the august Empress Taytu did in her time. “ (Lancaster New Era, p.9)
Empress Taytu not only excelled in matters of war, but also in times of peace as a champion of development. She founded Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and named it. She built the Etoto Maryam Church, which still stands to date. She gathered homeless orphans and educated them to be deacons, priests, and raised many others to several prestigious government positions. She erected the first hotel, Etege Taytu Hotel, after her name that stands till today. She also established an association to promote agriculture and trade among many other initiatives. (Zewlede, p. 30)
Emperor Haile Selassie I indicated in his memoir that Menelik’s cabinet members resented Empress Taytu’s handling and running all major functions of government, and plotted to overthrow her. The interregnum between the avowed passing of Emperor Menelik and the ascension to power of Emperor Haile Selassie was full of intrigues and conspiracies. Empress Taytu struggled to maintain balance between the feuding groups, with the hope to help Princess Zewditu ascend the throne. But she finally was unable to withstand the crafts of her enemies and succumbed. The empress was ultimately exiled to Entoto and passed her last days in a reclusive life of prayer and fasting.
“The Empress like all other Ethiopian women is brave. She had a strong character, sometimes haughty-and is interesting appearance. Her look is commanding and at the same time has finesse…In sum, she is a great lady, who perhaps in another milieu would have been a Christina of Sweden or a Catherine the Great.” (Prouty, p.137)
Powerful or controversial, Empress Taytu rose to the occasion and helped lay the foundation for a modern Ethiopia that is today. As such, her legacy has become a significant part of the contemporary Ethiopian history.
For reference questions contact the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room via Ask a Librarian or (202) 707-4188.

Learn More
“Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. 2003-2014.” Edited by Siegbert Uhlig ; editorial board, Baye Yimam … [et al.]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
H.I.M The Empress Zauditu of Ethiopia, full length, seated, facing left. n.d. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Lancaster New Era. August 26, 1935.
La Regina Tahaitu. 1935. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Le Petit Parisien. 1876-1944. Paris [France]: Verdien.
Prouty, Chris. “Empress Taytu and Menilek II: Ethiopia 1883-1910.” Trenton: The Red Sea Press, 1986.
Rubenson, Sven. “Wiçhalé XVII; the attempt to establish a protectorate over Ethiopia.” Addis Abeba [Institute of Ethiopian Studies], 1964.
Taklayasus, Bruk Makonen. “Etege Taytu Berhan z-Itoyopya.” [Addis Ababa]: Zed A Matamiya Bet, 2014.
Zawalde, Tadasa. “Ya Etege Taytu Btul Acer Yahewat Tarik 1882-1910.” [Addis Ababa]: Kuraz Asatami Derejet, 1981.
Comments (18)
Thank you The library of congress
Great woman of the era.
In Ethiopia’s history women have played a significant role.
Thanks a lot for share .
I have read on a book written by one of the nobility that the idea of protecting the source of the water was the idea of someone else in the battle field.He was considered as coward and unpatriotic.
Thank you for this wonderful story. She’s an iconic figure in African history and the world. fighting colonialism and inspiration to all women African origin and the world.
I am very much interested in Ethiopian History. Thank you for sharing those facts. I would like to go back during the time line. Thank you again.
Wonderful article!Empress Taytu Bitul is undoubtedly one of our greatest queens in our beloved ancient Ethiopia’s impressive long nationhood!! She along with her husband,our beloved Emperor Atse Minlik laid the foundation of our beautiful modern Ethiopia !!! Ours is a proud ancient country with amazing scenery, history,cultures, music, food etc!!! Every Ethiopian has the responsibility to strive for and work hard for a better, democratic and united Ethiopia!!! May God Almighty continue blessing and preserving our beloved most ancient proud Godly Ethiopia forever!!!!
Thank you all share this ethiopian history .she so wonderful i am proud if here.
wow its a wonderful story that aroses greatness in my heart. thank you for giving us this chance
I wonder why a monument of this magnificent queen was/is not erected next to the statue of King Minilik II.
A woman of substance, of distinction, with an array of accomplishments, both in times of war and relative peace.
Instrumental in the victory of Adwa, founder of Addis Abeba, builder of a great hotel that stands to this day..just to name a few of her foot prints..
One wonders why history is unfair to those who give the most to their fellow humans, why the relegation to the dust bin of history while at the same time the ruthless and and the liars get exalted..
Thanks for a beautiful portrayal of an immortal woman
History speak the reality as long as substantiated with irrelevocable evidences. Thank you for the good precis of the Queen’
Thank you for sharing the history with rare pictures.
ምስጋና ለሚገባው ምስጋና , ክብር ለሚገባው ክብር እንስጥ.
እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ያስባት.
Most of what the writer presented is an Amhara lore propagated by the nationalist. She and her husband were war criminals who murdered millions of Oromo.
Thank you !
Thank you for the wonderful history you shared. Sharing is caring. Very interesting!
Refusing to be dehumanized and taken advantage is heroic for every person. True that the human race has specific identity based on gender, location, education and ethnicity. Wars within and from outside continues and takes wisdom to navigate selflessly to leave behind marks of heroism by each person.
Though Amharic is one of many languages spoken in Ethiopia, it was and is well developed and used for years by most Ethiopians . Unfortunately some couldn’t see the important role it contributed. LOVE WINS!!!!!