This post tells the story behind the notebook of Imperial Japanese Navy Lieutenant Sakuma Tsutomu (1879-1910). Following a submarine accident, Sakuma dutifully recorded his and his crew’s heroic, but doomed, efforts to save themselves.
An English version of this blog post is available here. Esta postagem é de Henry Granville Widener, Bibliotecário de Referência de Língua Portuguesa, da Sala de Leitura Hispânica da Divisão Latino-Americana, Caribenha e Européia. No dia 3 de abril de 2022, encerrou-se uma monumental carreira nas letras brasileiras com o falecimento da escritora Lygia Fagundes …
Uma versão em português deste post do blog está disponível aqui. The following is a post by Henry Granville Widener, Portuguese Language Reference Librarian in the Hispanic Reading Room of the Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division. April 3, 2022 saw an extensive career in Brazilian letters come to a close with the passing of …
The Library of Congress Cairo Office celebrates its 60th anniversary. This blogpost discusses its role in collection development for the Library as well as other academic libraries in the U.S.