This post describes the Library's, Ostroh Bible, the first complete printed bible in Old Church Slavic and the first one in Cyrillic type, which has been recently digitized by the Rare Books and Special Collections Division.
Asian Division 2024 Junior Fellow Akhila Gunturu shares her experience inventorying serials on microfiche in the South Asian Collection. The post highlights the collection’s various uses through an analysis of the advertisements in the Telugu periodical Iṇḍiyā Tuḍē: Vārṣika Sāhitya Sañcika (India Today: Annual Literary Issue).
Con motivo de la celebración del natalicio de Rómulo Gallegos, Joseph Torres-González reseña algunos de los recursos disponibles en la Biblioteca del Congreso sobre el autor, incluyendo la reciente digitalización de su grabación para el Archivo de la PALABRA.
To commemorate his birthday, Joseph highlights the work of Venezuelan author Rómulo Gallegos, and the recently digitized recording for the PALABRA Archive.
This post features answers to frequently asked questions about the Southeast Asian collections at the Library of Congress provided by the Library’s Southeast Asian reference librarians. Librarians touch on types of Southeast Asian materials available, who uses the collections, how the Library acquires its holdings, and how to access them.
This is a guest post by James Thompson, an undergraduate intern from the University of Notre Dame as part of the Cross Cultural Leadership Program of the Institute for Latino Studies at Notre Dame. Several people, when they hear about my internship at the Library of Congress, are inclined to ask about what I do …
(The following is a post by Charlotte Giles, South Asia reference librarian, Asian Division.) Valuable pieces of ephemera trace shifts in ideas, issues of importance, and the diversity of views in society at the time of their distribution. Because these materials are widely distributed to the public, they often create a meaningful and lasting snapshot …
It was 80 years ago today that American troops launched one of the most daring seaborne invasions in history: the Invasion of Normandy. In honor of D-Day, we have an interview with Erika Hope Spencer, Reference Specialist, French Collections, Latin American, Caribbean & European Division and Megan Harris, Reference Librarian, Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center.
The cuneiform script from Ancient Mesopotamia, arguably the oldest script in human civilization. This blog discusses the various attempts to understand cuneiform and the processes which led to the ultimate decipherment of the seemingly impervious script entailed.