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Category: Events

photo two men sitting at table with microphones

O Arquivo PALABRA lança 50 gravações disponíveis online

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

Esta postagem de Catalina Gómez, Bibliotecária de Referência e curadora do Arquivo PALABRA, foi traduzida das versões em inglês e espanhol por Henry Widener, Bibliotecário de Referência da Sala de Leitura Hispânica. Dando continuidade à tradição anual do Mês Nacional da Herança Hispânica a Sala Hispânica de Leitura, da Divisão Latino-Americana, Caribenha e Européia (LAC&E) …

collage image of a male and female writer

The PALABRA Archive Releases 50 New Streaming Recordings

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

The following is a post by Catalina Gómez, Reference Librarian and Curator of the PALABRA Archive in the Latin American, Caribbean and European Division. Click here to read in Spanish. Following its annual National Hispanic Heritage Month tradition, the Hispanic Reading Room in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division (LAC&E) announces the digital release …

collage image of a male and female writer

La Sala Hispánica de Lectura de la Biblioteca del Congreso lanza nuevo material del Archivo de la PALABRA

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

Este artículo fue escrito por Catalina Gómez, bibliotecaria y curadora de Archivo de la PALABRA de la Sala Hispánica de Lectura de la Biblioteca del Congreso. Para leer en inglés, haga clic aquí. Tal como es tradición durante el Mes de herencia hispana, la Sala Hispánica de Lectura de la Biblioteca del Congreso (EE.UU.) anuncia …

The Intersection between Texts and Textiles across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia: a Display and Talk at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Ryan Wolfson-Ford

On Friday September 29, the Asian Division of the Library of Congress will be hosting a partial day display and talk in the Thomas Jefferson Building (rooms LJ110/119) celebrating the diversity of the Library’s collections through textiles, in collaboration with the African and Middle Eastern, Prints & Photographs, Geography & Maps, and Rare Books and Special Collections Reading Rooms.

blak and white photo of crowd in library reading room

Developing Connections, not just Collections, at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

This is a guest post by Alyson Williams, Head of Communities of Practice and Publication in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division. Shortly after her arrival at the Library in late February, Alyson who was serving as Co-Chair of local arrangements for the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) Conference …