This post describes the evolution of the Library's approach toward the preservation of newspapers, especially the transition from microfilm to digitization and the use of the Stacks system in the European Reading Room.
(The following is a guest blog post by Dani Thurber, Reference Librarian and Latino Studies Collection Specialist in the Hispanic Reading Room of the Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division.) This Hispanic Heritage Month, we are thrilled to share the release of the Latinx Representation in Film Research Guide. This guide is part of the …
Puerto Rico is celebrating the 500th anniversary of the founding of Old San Juan, the oldest city in the United States, and we could not be more excited to share two recent acquisitions by the Latin American, Caribbean & European Division (LAC&E) which shed light on the historical details of Old San Juan and the …
(The following is a repost by Andrew Gaudio, reference librarian and classics, medieval studies and linguistics specialist in the Humanities and Social Sciences Division. The post originally appeared on the Library of Congress Blog.) The Library of Congress collects materials on most subjects, excluding agriculture and medicine. In a collection of over 160 million items, …
(The following is a post by Angel D. Batiste, Area Specialist, African and Middle Eastern Division.) After European powers met at the event called the Berlin Conference in 1884-85 to negotiate and formalize claims to African territory, nations in Africa faced European imperialist conquest and eventual colonization. By 1900 most of the entire African continent, …