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Category: Hispanic Reading Room

Detail of the Florentine Codex Book II with a box on the left with three rabbits and handwritten text in a column on the right.

Falling Down a Research Rabbit Hole: Navigating and Using the Handbook of Latin American Studies

Posted by: Alyson Williams

This is a guest blog post written jointly by Yuliana Contreras-Abrego, Darian Andrade-Diaz, and Celina Lozano, Archives History Heritage Advanced (AHHA) interns working with the Communities of Practice and Publications team in the Latin American Caribbean and European Division during fall 2024. Can you give us an overview of an AHHA project you worked on? …

Three different images of the poet Camões on a black background.

Luís Vaz de Camões: Portugal’s National Poet at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Alyson Williams

A discussion on the Library of Congress’ collections of works by and about Luís de Camões, Portugal’s national poet, and his impact on English-language, through translation, early American music, and the works of authors such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Herman Melville

photo two men sitting at table with microphones

Conveyances: Poet Salgado Maranhão and Translator Alexis Levitin Join the PALABRA Archive

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

The following is a post by Henry Granville Widener, Portuguese Language Reference Librarian, Hispanic Reading Room, Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division Words connect us in so many ways. Whether spoken, sung or written, they can act as the sinews that link our senses and emotions to one another. When I listen to the Library …

Black and white photo of Chilean Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda recording for the Library of Congress in 1966. The poet is sitting in a recording booth in front of a microphone and holding his book. The photo is from the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The PALABRA Archive in the Classroom

Posted by: Alyson Williams

Former Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division (LAC&E) Intern, Natté Fortier introduces his project “PALABRA in the Classroom” a new resource designed to bring the PALABRA Archive into the classroom through curated lesson plans for teachers.

A mural depicting priests interacting with Indigenous women and children while men row boats in the distance.

Cosmovisions: The Impacts of Kotiria Culture on a Library of Congress Intern

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

This is a guest post by Natali Palacios, a Maryland native in her junior year at the University of Maryland, College Park where she studies Human Development. Natali was selected for an internship in the Latin American, Caribbean and European Division (LACE) through Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). Henry Widener was her mentor. …