Former Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division (LAC&E) Intern, Maria Rebecca Escamilla introduces her Storymap “Mexican Women Authors,” a multimedia journey through the works and lives of five seminal Mexican women authors: Inés Arredondo, Elena Poniatowska, Esther Seligson, Carmen Boullosa, and Cristina Rivera Garza.
(The following is a guest post by Dani Thurber, Reference Librarian, Hispanic Reading Room, Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division) A couple of weeks ago I began searching for love stories and poems from Latin America in preparation for a Valentine’s Day event. My colleagues in the Hispanic Reading Room had some amazing suggestions by …
Para leer en español, haga clic aquí. I want to share with you the stimulating experience of being able to connect the PALABRA Archive with Indigenous authors from Mexico and their various Indigenous languages. Together with the curator of this historic audio archive, Catalina Gómez, and the authors highlighted, we have been working to expand …
The following is a guest post by journalist, Alice Driver, who interviewed Mexican author Elena Poniatowska for the Library of Congress’ PALABRA Archive in March of 2023. “I have one good eye,” said Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska, 91, when I interviewed her at her home in Mexico City in March 2023 for the Library of …
This is guest a post by MexiCali Biennial curator and project coordinator April Lillard Gomez. During the COVID 19 lock down, the Library of Congress Hispanic Reading Room invited the MexiCali Biennial to interact with the library’s digital collections and archival materials to inform resources relating to Border Art. To date, this contemporary arts and …
Esta postagem de Catalina Gómez, Bibliotecária de Referência e curadora do Arquivo PALABRA, foi traduzida das versões em inglês e espanhol por Henry Widener, Bibliotecário de Referência da Sala de Leitura Hispânica. Dando continuidade à tradição anual do Mês Nacional da Herança Hispânica a Sala Hispânica de Leitura, da Divisão Latino-Americana, Caribenha e Européia (LAC&E) …
The following is a post by Catalina Gómez, Reference Librarian and Curator of the PALABRA Archive in the Latin American, Caribbean and European Division. Click here to read in Spanish. Following its annual National Hispanic Heritage Month tradition, the Hispanic Reading Room in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division (LAC&E) announces the digital release …
Este artículo fue escrito por Catalina Gómez, bibliotecaria y curadora de Archivo de la PALABRA de la Sala Hispánica de Lectura de la Biblioteca del Congreso. Para leer en inglés, haga clic aquí. Tal como es tradición durante el Mes de herencia hispana, la Sala Hispánica de Lectura de la Biblioteca del Congreso (EE.UU.) anuncia …
(The following is a guest blog post by Dani Thurber, Reference Librarian and Latino Studies Collection Specialist in the Hispanic Reading Room of the Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division.) This Hispanic Heritage Month, we are thrilled to share the release of the Latinx Representation in Film Research Guide. This guide is part of the …