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Category: Latin American, Caribbean and European Division

man in nineteenth-century dress looking left in three-quarter profile

A Set of the Writings of the Danish Physicist Hans Christian Ørsted, Presented to His Daughter, Sophie

Posted by: David Morris

The Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress recently acquired a set of the writings of the Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted, which the author had presented to his daughter, Sophie. Today, on her birthday, we remember how Sophie and her family used to receive visits from the famous fairytale author, Hans Christian Andersen.

Several rows of gray boxes on shelves that house archival materials.

Hands-On with Primary Sources: The Rubinov Papers

Posted by: David Morris

(This post is by Michael Neubert, Head of the European Reading Room.) In the European Reading Room college and graduate students often look for primary sources that they can use to support their research projects. Primary sources such as photographs, letters, and newspaper articles “provide an original source of information about an era or event.” …

Celebrating Greenland’s National Day at the Library of Congress

Posted by: David Morris

The following post is by Troy Smith, Nordic Area Reference Librarian in the European Reading Room of the Latin American, Caribbean and European Division Today is Greenland’s National Day. The holiday takes place on June 21 because that is the summer solstice, or the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. In Nuuk, Greenland’s capital city, …