Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic. African and Middle Eastern Division TITLE: Marriage & Politics in 19th & 20th Century Ethiopia (view on YouTube) SPEAKER: Heran Sereke-Brhan …
Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic. African and Middle Eastern Division TITLE: Persian Manuscripts in India: Collections, Collectors & Their Future (view on YouTube) SPEAKER: Chander …
Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic. African and Middle Eastern Division TITLE: King Solomon’s Table (view on YouTube) SPEAKER: Joan Nathan EVENT DATE: 2017/05/15 RUNNING TIME: …
Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic. African and Middle Eastern Division TITLE: The Poetry of Jawdat Haydar in a Transnational Framework (view on YouTube) SPEAKER: Carol …
Following are the online recordings (webcasts) of recent public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. To discover more videos, visit the four area studies divisions here: African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, and Hispanic. African and Middle Eastern Division Title: Discovery of the Secret of the Great Pyramid & the Tomb of Tutankhamun (view on YouTube) SPEAKER: Mamdouh Eldamaty EVENT …
“New Videos Monthly” is a new series that gathers in one place online videos recently made available on the Library’s website of public programs pertaining to the Library’s international collections. A post will be published every month and videos will be listed under each of the four area studies divisions respectively. To kick off the …
(The following post is by Hirad Dinavari, reference specialist for the Iranian World Collections, African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress.) In conjunction with the 2014 exhibition: “A Thousand Years of the Persian Book” at the Library of Congress, we in AMED teamed up with Roshan Persian Studies Institute at University of …
(The following is a post by Sharon Horowitz, Reference Librarian, Hebraic Section, African and Middle Eastern Division.) In 1882 three Blumenthal brothers, Sam, Philip and Barney, left the Duchy of Courland, today part of western Latvia, bound for the United States. Michigan became the place they called home. Initially working as traveling peddlers, the three …
(The Following is a post by Joan Weeks, Head, Near East Section, African and Middle Eastern Division.) With the celebration of Women’s History Month in March, images of suffragettes and suffragists marching for voting rights, or women on the assembly lines such as “Rosie the Riveter,” were frequently displayed around the country. In February 1980, …