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Category: Women’s History Month

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

Her Magazine, Her Voice: Foremothers of Women’s Journals in Africa and the Middle East

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

(The following is a joint post by Angel Batiste, Ann Brener, Anchi Hoh, and Fawzi Tadros in the African and Middle Eastern Division.) The history of women in Africa and the Middle East has often been told as addenda to incessant wars, political turmoil, and social injustice. If women’s voices could be heard, what story …

Large metal hollow globe on a metal frame with metal orbit trails surrounding it

International Women’s Day and Women’s History in Mexico

Posted by: Anchi Hoh

(Following is a guest post by Lucinda Grinnell, editorial assistant in the Hispanic Division.) Image discussed: click link to view. “La Emancipación de la Mujer es obra misma de la mujer” (“the emancipation of women is women’s own work”) proclaimed the poster created for International Women’s Day, March 8, 1960. As seen in the image …