As you might have seen in previous posts on our blog, the Law Library offers a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers called the Guide to Law Online. The Guide is an annotated list to sources of information on government and law freely available online that has been prepared by the Law Library’s Public Service Division. It is a great place to start when you’re unfamiliar with how to research a particular area of the law.
Within the Guide, there are broad sections covering International, Nations, U.S. Federal, U.S. States and Territories, and an Index. If you were looking to research treaties, you could select “GUIDE: Treaties” under International. If you were looking for an overview of French legal resources, you could select “France” under Nations. And if you were looking where to find South Carolina legal resources, you’d select “South Carolina” in U.S. States and Territories. In most sections, legal resources are broken down into the categories of Constitution, Executive, Judicial, Legislative, Resource Guides, and General Sources. The General Sources also include links to other pages the Law Library has concerning that jurisdiction.
We check the sources as they are added and monitor the links to make sure they remain viable to ensure the Guide remains as helpful as possible.
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