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Our First Century of Lawmaking and More

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While I frequently mention THOMAS, I should point out that other parts of our website also feature legislative information, especially historic information.  We have one of the most complete collections of U.S. Congressional documents in their original format.  A Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation provides access to U.S. congressional documents and debates from 1774 to 1873.

The Justia Law, Technology & Legal Marketing Blog recently posted about some of the other legislative content.

Draft of a Constitution, A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation

While THOMAS is a great place to find current legislative resources, the Library of Congress (LOC) also has some really interesting online collections consisting of primary and secondary source legal materials relating to the formation of the United States. … Below are some links to help get you started on an exploration of these incredible archives.

The Justia post then follows with sections highlighting Creating the United States, the Federalist Papers, Primary Documents in American History, and A Century of Law Making.  Their post provides a lot of nice links into our content and is really worth a visit.

There’s also a section of digitized Congressional Hearings on our site.  As of now, only a small selection of our approximately 75,000 volumes of printed Congressional Hearings has been digitized with a focus on Census: U.S., Freedom of Information/Privacy, and Immigration.  Our Legal Blawg Archive also has a section on Government, Administrative Law, & Politics.

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