The following is a guest post by Taru Spiegel, Reference Specialist in the European Division. Whenever I enter the Law Library offices, I see a nice grouping of items on the north wall. The large image features S. 68 which established the Law Library of Congress in 1832. The image on the right is of …
Last week I did a post on the Library’s facility at Fort Meade, Maryland. All items sent to Fort Meade are placed in one of ten different sized boxes (like the one below) to protect them from dust, light, and water damage.
Today’s post is the second interview in our continuing series on staff in the Law Library. This week’s subject is Mark Strattner, Chief of our Collection Services Division. Describe your background I was born in Norfolk Virginia, and lived in the same house in Virginia Beach, until I left for college. My parents were both …
You might have seen some articles in U.S. newspapers last week about the filming of the two Hobbit films in New Zealand. Director Peter Jackson always intended to make The Lord of the Rings prequels there, but some recent activities of an actors union appeared to have thrown this into doubt and led to a …
Remember, remember the Fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot. This children’s nursery rhyme describes the biggest planned, albeit unsuccessful, incident of terrorism ever attempted in England and shows what long memories the British people have. On November 5, 1605 in London, England a …
How many of you love jury duty? I got to perform my civic duty last week. When you live in D.C. you get called up for jury duty every two years, which people tell me is quite frequent. The D.C. Superior Court uses a “one day or one trial” system. The previous times I’ve gone, …
With a little over two months left in the year, 2010 is shaping up to be a year of some challenging hiccups in the cause for advancing women’s rights issues in Africa, both in the legislative initiatives as well as court rulings. It is true that some remarkable attempts to push the issue of women’s …