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Ciao, Italia

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I recently returned from Italy, and when traveling I enjoy learning more about the country and culture.  I love reading through a mixture of online sources like the CIA World Factbook and the State Department Background Notes or through books (I’ve been reading Roma).

While in Rome, in addition to having a lot of coffee and gelato, I strolled through several of the piazzas.  As a fan of the legislative branch because of where I work, the Piazza del Parlamento stood out.  I snapped a couple of pictures, which led to some research when I got home.

Back of Palazzo Montecitorio, Home of the Chamber of Deputies

The Italian Parliament has two chambers, the Chamber of Deputies and Senate.  The Chamber of Deputies has a video site, House Live, like the U.S. House of Representatives site, HouseLive, that I blogged about earlier this year.  There is also an “Ask a librarian” service that can provide assistance researching Italian legislative documents.  That sounds similar to the service the Law Library provides.  I attempted to find a legislative information system similar to THOMAS, but was unsuccessful.  As my Italian is very poor, I could be wrong, so please feel free to leave a comment linking to a free government legislative database.

I also looked at our website for Italian material.  The Law Library of Congress has several resources that cover many of the jurisdictions around the world.  A few of the resources that focus on Italy include:

Comments (2)

  1. Ciao!

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