Last week I discussed THOMAS off of THOMAS, and this week I’m happy to announce there is another location to add to the list: The 111th and 112th Congresses have been added to the basic search: By including THOMAS in your search, you will be guided to the “Bill Summary & Status” containing information …
Kelly and I stopped by Don’s office for the interview a few days ago. I can honestly say I learned a lot during the interview (in addition to the fact that we both started here about the same time six and a half years ago). Don is the Assistant Law Librarian for Operations and Planning, …
While I love it when people use THOMAS, I also like the idea of other good sources enabling the public to learn about legislation that will affect us. THOMAS is an incredibly valuable tool, but there are areas of information that other sites use and enhance. I’ve mentioned two examples before, where video is added …
This week’s Pic of the Week shows the Law Library greeting before you enter our lobby, which is inside room 240 of the Madison Building. It provides a brief overview of our mission and responsibilities. After opening the door, you’ll see our logo on the other side of the lobby.
This week’s interview is with David Mao, Deputy Law Librarian of Congress. Describe your background. I have been the Deputy Law Librarian of Congress since June 2010. I was born in New York City, but raised in New Jersey (about 15 miles from Exit 8). Although I’ve lived in the DC metropolitan area for more …
The following is a guest post by James Martin, Reading Room Operations Coordinator. On January 5, 2011, the 112th Congress assembled in Washington for the beginning of its term. The first order of business for the House of Representatives was administering the oath of office, as set forth at title 5 United States Code §3331, …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Directorate. At the start of a new Congress, the librarians at the reference desk in the Law Library of Congress’ Reading Room receive a flurry of questions about Congress, THOMAS, and the legislative process. So, at the start of …
The following is a guest post by Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. It is that time again when so many of us reflect upon achievements, and shortcomings, of the previous year and look forward to keeping ambitious resolutions for the new year. In the past few days as the Law Library of Congress staff …
December was another enjoyable month for In Custodia Legis. We introduced two new guest bloggers, Nicole and Steve. Nicole posted a couple of times: first on Social Networks and French Labor Law and, in response to a comment on the blog, on The Role of the “Doctrine” as a Source of Law in France. Steve …