February is African American History Month. The month celebrates the contributions that African Americans have made to American history in their struggles for freedom and equality and deepens our understanding of our Nation’s history. On the Law Library’s Commemorative Observations page for African American History Month, you can find an overview of the day as …
This week’s interview is with Matthew Braun, a Legal Reference Librarian in the Public Services Division. Describe your background. I have been Legal Reference Librarian at the Law Library of Congress since February 2009. My roots are in the Midwest, as I was born in South Bend, Indiana, have most of my extended family in …
The following is a guest post by Mark Strattner, Chief of our Collection Services Division. February 2, 2011 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the move of the Law Library from the Thomas Jefferson Building to its present location in the James Madison Memorial Building. On Monday February 2, 1981, the Collection Management …
So how did we do in January? Not bad based on our stats. Our blog was viewed more this month than any other since we started back in August. There were several guest posts for In Custodia Legis this month, including two by Roberta Shaffer, the Law Librarian of Congress. She first posted a holiday …