Sometimes you find inspiration during unlikely events. Today I got to spend a few minutes outside, and during that time I found this week’s picture. In front of the Madison Building, to the left of entrance and falling books, there is this quote by James Madison.
Comments (3)
Knowledge shall Govern only when Knowledge is dispersed evenly unto all;
untill then Ignorance and Arrogance shall
rule together in infamy. knowledge must be
sown like seed and imbraced like like love for the cause is life it self for all and none are imune to death.
“Get knowledge. Get Wisdom, and with all Thy getting, get Understanding.”
The intent of law is to protect the inocent from those who would do them harm.
Take Just Counsel for Right Judgment
That Judgment for Justice with mercy
as All Right Judgment is for Justice with Mercy Or it is not right judgment it is Conspiracy to Commit the Offense of Injustice.