We had a great time at the National Book Festival this past weekend talking with visitors about how the Law Library can help people connect with Congress, including through THOMAS. We handed out lots of gavel pencils as souvenirs!
Andrew gave a presentation in the Library of Congress tent on Saturday about “THOMAS Takeaways for the Curious and Concerned Citizen: How To Easily Access FREE Legislative Information at the Library of Congress.” Can you guess which audience member in the picture below we were most surprised to see?

As you can see in the bottom left picture below, there were plenty of non-four-legged audience members for the presentation as well.
On Sunday, Nathan gave a presentation on “The Timelessness of Law: 18th Century Legal Philosophy in the 21st Century.”
Erin Engle, on NDIPP’s blog The Signal, highlighted some her of experiences at the Book Festival. If you also attended the festival, please fill out the survey!

There seriously needs to be a way to get gavel pencils for those of us not fortunate enough to make it to the festival 🙂