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Blawg Archive: Browsing the Past in the Present

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While scanning my Twitter feed, I came across a tweet by Kevin O’Keefe:

We Honor the Fallen: Past ABA Journal Blawg 100 Entries Which Have Departed

It led to a feature related to The 5th Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100 on the original 100 blawgs and the 23 that have stopped publishing.  The ABA Journal started their Blawg 100 in 2007, the same year the Library of Congress started harvesting blawgs.  I loved their opening paragraph:

Blogs are ephemeral creatures. While some endure year after year, others have the lifespan of a mayfly. In our first year, one Blawg 100 honoree didn’t even survive the time period between its selection and our magazine’s print date. So for our fifth anniversary, we’re taking a look back at that first Blawg 100 list from 2007 to see how many blogs have survived, and how many have sadly departed from this life.

A Pre-blog Typewriter

It served as a perfect reminder of why we archive them.  Going through their list, I noticed that we archive Transnational Law and Lessig Blog.  We also archived BlackProf, which is no longer online, however, you can find its posts from 2005-2008 in our Blawg Archive.

Our fellow Library of Congress blog, The Signal, publishes frequently on web archiving, including The Average Lifespan of a Webpage and It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like… Election Archiving Season!.

As Matt, the curator of our blawg collection, mentioned before if you have any questions or suggestions for the Legal Blawg Archive, please feel free to contact him.  His email is mbra at loc dot gov.  Alternatively, you can use Twitter to send us a link to the blog and indicate why it should be archived.

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