This week’s interview is with Pam Russell, Legislative Counsel in our Congressional Relations Office. I’ve enjoyed working with Pam on a number of occasions. She often accompanies the THOMAS team when we brief House and Senate staffers on updates to THOMAS. Pam is another example of an attorney in the Library of Congress that works outside the Law …
The following is a guest post by Roberta I. Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. Roberta has posted to the blog on multiple occasions including: Happy Old Year, The Law Library of Congress Strategic Plan Released, and My Trip to the Future. Another year has passed and I am pleased once again to send you great cheer and …
The other day, Margaret gave a tour of the Law Library of Congress Reading Room to our new colleague, Tina Gheen. I tagged along and snapped a couple of pictures. I spend so much time looking at digital bills that it was a nice change to see them in other formats. These stacks of legislation are …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Division. Margaret has previously posted on the debt ceiling, Law Day, our Reading Room, and the changeover between Congresses. This week we decided to treat you to photographs of the Law Library Reading Room’s pneumatic tubes and the pneumatic tube system. …
The following is a guest post by Betty Lupinacci, Lead Technician for Legal Processing Workflow Resolution One of the many ongoing projects in the Collection Services Division of the Law Library of Congress involves the Records & Briefs of the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals. This material, dating back to the early 1900’s, is being …
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to attend Summer School LEX 2011. As background, [t]he school aims at providing knowledge of the most significant ICT standards emerging for legislation, judiciary, parliamentary and administrative documents. The course provides understanding of their impact in the different phases of the legislative and administrative process, awareness of the tools based …
While scanning my Twitter feed, I came across a tweet by Kevin O’Keefe: We Honor the Fallen: Past ABA Journal Blawg 100 Entries Which Have Departed It led to a feature related to The 5th Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100 on the original 100 blawgs and the 23 that have stopped publishing. The ABA Journal started …
This month we premiered a retirement series that included the top new post of the month, The Final Act – Mark Strattner Reflects on Retirement. The series also featured An Interview with Alvin J. Wallace and Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow: The Retirement of Stephen Clarke. A couple of our posts were mentioned in other blogs. Dante’s …
This week’s interview is with Christine, a co-worker who is already familiar to loyal blog readers. She has been instrumental in our blog’s success. Not to provide too much a spoiler, but Christine is leaving the Law Library of Congress on Friday. We have worked together on many other projects over the last two years, some …