This is an interview with Elin Hofverberg, currently an intern at the Law Library of Congress. I enjoyed reading Ruth’s interview of Elin and I hope you do too. Describe your background I was born in the northern part of Sweden (geographically in the middle of the country) but grew up outside of Linköping (two …
The following is a guest post by Ángel García, a summer intern in the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center. March 19, 2012, will be the 200th anniversary of the Constitution of Cádiz. Seizing on the opportunity while interning at the Law Library of Congress, I asked the rare book technician, Nathan Dorn, to find …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Directorate. Here in the Law Library Reading Room we are continuing our work to relocate certain collections in preparation for the Reading Room Remodeling. The purpose of this post is to give everyone an update about the collections currently …