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Search results for: italy

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

A State Mandated Christmas Bonus

Posted by: Francisco Macías

As the holiday season reaches its zenith, I would like to highlight the fact that countries throughout the world that celebrate Christmas have issued a number of holiday related laws and regulations touching on an array of topics, such as toys, Christmas trees, pardons for criminals, and business operations, among others; my favorite among these is the seasonal bonus. Mexico provides an illuminating example.  …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Global Legal Monitor: November Highlights

Posted by: Hanibal Goitom

As mentioned in previous posts by my colleagues Andrew and Kelly, the Law Library of Congress has an online publication called the Global Legal Monitor (GLM) featuring summaries of legal developments from around the world.  It is a go-to page for information on what courts and parliaments in foreign countries are doing and emerging legal …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law, a Curse and Life in an Italian Ghetto

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

Although Alessandro Aldobrandini (1664-1734) was not the first in the long history of Italy’s Aldobrandini family to traverse the cursus honorum of the church’s hierarchy, his record of achievement was substantial: educated first in the Seminario Romano and later in the University of Pisa, where he attained the degree of doctor utriusque juris, he was …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Frank Corazzi, Library Technician

Posted by: Kurt Carroll

Describe your background I am a native of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, but I have strong Italian roots. My father’s parents were immigrants from Italy. My mother was born in Italy and moved to the United States at the age of 11. My parents, who recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary, met on a …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Alex LoBianco, Public Services Assistant

Posted by: Christine Sellers

This week’s interview is with Alex LoBianco, a Public Services Assistant in the Law Library Reading Room. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Washington, DC, with my immediate family and maternal grandparents living nearby. My parents and grandparents were Italian immigrants so we spoke Italian at home and English outside. What is …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Eritrean Independence Day

Posted by: Kelly Buchanan

Today, Eritrea, Africa’s youngest nation (at least until next month, when South Sudan is expected to declare its formal independence), celebrates its 20th Independence Day. Eritrea, like all of its African brethren, is a colonial creation.  Although Turkey, Egypt, and the local Ethiopian rulers controlled different parts of what later became Eritrea at different times, …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Women’s History Month

Posted by: Christine Sellers

Women’s History Month honors and celebrates the struggles and achievements of American women throughout the history of the United States. As in other commemorative observation pages, the Law Library of Congress highlights the legal aspects of Women’s History Month on our website. The origins of Women’s History Month date back to 1981 when Congress passed …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Isabella Marques de Castilla, Leadership Development Program Fellow

Posted by: Christine Sellers

This week’s interview is with Isabella Marques de Castilla, who is at the Law Library of Congress as a Fellow in the Library of Congress Leadership Development Program. Describe your background.   I am a product of different customs and cultures.  I have resided in various countries including Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the …