The United Kingdom is renowned as a nation of animal lovers. Our laws protecting animals are extensive, and range from prohibiting sheep from riding in the backseat of cars (even if they are the family pet) to the controversial ban on hunting with hounds that outlawed fox hunting across the nation. Animals are an integral part …
I have recently seen an increase in coverage in both the U.S. and the UK about the provision of aid to foreign countries (commonly referred to as Overseas Development Assistance, or ODA). Many countries are facing the question of how much assistance to provide to other countries in need when they are struggling domestically. I …
The Holiday season flew by again this year. It truly is my favourite time of the year. When not frantically cooking or wrapping gifts, I always spend a part of my time feeling a bit homesick. I compensate for this by watching Masterpiece Classics on PBS; although, there are only so many period dramas I can …