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Global Legal Monitor: January Highlights

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This is a monthly series where we reveal the top ten Global Legal Monitor (GLM) articles with the most views.  By posting a list of the top ten most viewed GLM articles every month (as we do with top ten most viewed blog posts), our hope is to provide Law Library fans who do not have sufficient time to read all the articles published in the GLM a quick way to catch up.

Are we succeeding in that endeavor?  You tell us.

Below is a list of the top ten most viewed GLM articles for January in the order of their popularity:

Globe outside the Law Library Reading Room
  1. Belarus: Browsing Foreign Websites a Misdemeanor
  2. Japan: Child Pornography Law Amendment Discussed
  3. South Korea: Permanent Dual Nationality Allowed after 60 Years
  4. Hong Kong: Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect
  5. Turkey: New Minimum Wage
  6. United States: New Jersey Supreme Court Revises Test for Admissibility of Eyewitness Identifications
  7. Denmark: Retirement Age Raised
  8. Lithuania: Dual Citizenship Law Vetoed
  9. United States: Supreme Court Rules that U.S. Apology for Overthrowing Hawaiian Monarchy Does Not Affect Hawaii Public Lands
  10. France: Law on Immigration, Integration and Nationality

Interestingly, seven of the ten articles in this list were also among the top ten articles with the most views in December.  Even more interesting is the fact that six of these articles are in the top ten most viewed articles list for a third month running (or put differently, since the start of this series).

This leaves only three articles that have fought their way into the top ten list this month (I say good for them).

One of these articles discusses a binding opinion of the Constitutional Council of France in which it found most provisions of a recent law dealing with immigration, integration and nationality constitutional.  The Law is said to contain “several provisions aimed at protecting the rights of illegal immigrants employed in France on the one hand … and at fighting illegal employment on the other.” 

Another describes a 2009 case in which the United States Supreme Court decided that a 1993 Congressional resolution apologizing for the United States’ part in unseating the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893 has no bearing on the State of Hawaii’s right to sell public lands.

The third is on a recent law amending the Code of Administrative Violations and the Procedural Code of Belarus.

As we have grown accustomed to saying here at the Law Library of Congress, the Global Legal Monitor can be accessed by visiting the Law Library website, signing-up for email alerts or RSS feeds.  If you’re on Twitter, you can access GLM articles through tweets via @lawlibcongress and tweets from Law library staff.

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