First there was the Congressional Record iPad app, now there is a new home to watch committee hearings of the U.S. House of Representatives: THOMAS. 2012 has been busy! Just like with the iPad app, this was an initiative of the House leadership under the guidance of the Committee on House Administration.
When I previously posted on Where to Watch Congress Online, I hoped one day I would be able to include THOMAS.
In the same Current Activity box in the top right of the THOMAS homepage where we added (app) after Congressional Record Latest Daily Digest, there is now a link for House Committee Video. There is a list of committees to select from. On a committee page, either the live stream will load for playing or you will see the message “No live streams are currently available.” Previous hearings are available to view below that.
The House committee hearings can also be viewed through a variety of mobile devices. I’ve seen the videos work on an Android phone, iPhone, and iPad.

We also plan to highlight live hearings through the @THOMASdotgov Twitter account. For those who don’t use Twitter, the tweets from the account are displayed on the THOMAS homepage and will link directly to the live hearing.
It has been great to continue to improve THOMAS.
Comments (2)
Very exciting development!
I clicked on a couple of committees and only found Adjourned (I’m on the West Coast).
I didn’t see the link to previous hearings under the committees I tried, so I tried the committee you showed, Foreign Relations. The bits I viewed didn’t seem to be about foreign relations. I watched a little more and found a place where the Comm on Small Business adjourned and then the Comm on Natural Resources, Subcomm on National Parks convened. So I think that video was mislabeled.
Thanks for this resource.
Thanks for the feedback.