Last fall I blogged about where you can watch Congress online. Now there is another place: the Senate’s website.

From that site you can watch the Senate floor proceedings live, search and watch from the archive, and browse the archive by date. The Advanced Search options include captions, all words, exact phrase, or, not, and a date range. There is also a link to a summary of what was on the Senate floor for any given date. The available videos start in January with the beginning of the 2nd session of the 112th Congress.
Not long ago we added a video link for the Senate on THOMAS in the Current Activity box, which went to C-SPAN2. Last week Mike changed the video link to go to the new Floor Webcast page on the Senate website.
If you happen to have trouble watching the videos, there is a system requirements/frequently asked questions page.
The new Floor Webcast feature is a very nice addition to the Senate website. You can easily go from this:
To quickly watching this:
I would be remiss if I did not also point out the Senate’s Active Legislation page. This page provides an excellent rundown of what is happening in the current Congress, complete with a key to help curious and concerned citizens identify a bill’s status at a glance.