Our interview with Roberto Salazar on June 21 marked our 500th blog post. Additionally, we had a number of posts regarding law in art and architecture from Donna and Meg. Donna was our virtual tour guide for law in the Jefferson Building while Meg explored the Vatican Museums. We welcomed our scholar-in-residence Orin S. Kerr and celebrated Roberta Shaffer’s Distinguished Leader in Law Award.
The ten most viewed posts for June 2012 are:
- We have a New Look! Changes to the Law Library of Congress Website
- Using Secondary Legal Resources to Locate Primary Sources
- Flag Day and the Flag Code
- Interview with Lena Gómez, Law Library Reading Room Technician
- The Mysterious Disappearance of the First Library of Congress
- Global Legal Monitor: May Highlights
- The Inspiring Story of Nelson Mandela
- Update on Medieval Canon Law, and How to Deal with a Complex Book
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Law Library Reading Room: Pic of the Week
The top three posts from a year ago in the June 2011 Retrospective were:
On our Facebook page, the most liked blog post was We have a New Look! Changes to the Law Library of Congress Website. The most clicked through post from Facebook was Interview with Lena Gómez, Law Library Reading Room Technician; on Twitter: Flag Day and the Flag Code.
This month, we interviewed Patrick Ouellette, Roberto Salazar, Lena Gómez, and Audrey Fischer. My favorite pic from June is:
There were 19 posts altogether in June:
- The Show Outside the Supreme Court – Pic of the Week
- An Interview with Patrick Ouellette, Information Technology Specialist
- Update on Medieval Canon Law, and How to Deal with a Complex Book
- Glimpse of Law Series – Installment 3: The Great Hall Mezzanine
- Law Library Reading Room: Pic of the Week
- An Interview with Roberto Salazar, Senior Program Specialist for the Office of Opportunity, Inclusiveness & Compliance at the Library of Congress
- Meet Alexander Hoffman: A Law Library of Congress Patron
- Law in Fresco in the Vatican Museums
- Using Secondary Legal Resources to Locate Primary Sources
- 2012 Burton Awards – Pic of the Week
- Flag Day and the Flag Code
- Interview with Lena Gómez, Law Library Reading Room Technician
- Glimpse of Law Series – Installment 2: The East Corridor Paintings
- Orin S. Kerr Named New Law Library Scholar-in-Residence
- An Interview with Audrey Fischer, Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Communications
- May Retrospective: Almost States, MLK, and Cinco de Mayo
- We have a New Look! Changes to the Law Library of Congress Website
- Global Legal Monitor: May Highlights
- All around the Reading Room – Pic of the Week