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Visit by Professor Allan Brewer-Carías

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The following is a guest post by  Dante Figueroa, Senior Legal Analyst at the Law Library of Congress.  Dante has posted on his Visit to the University of Costa Rica’s Law School Library and a previous visit and lecture by Professor Brewer-Carías.

Roberta Shaffer and Professor Brewer. Photo by Dante Figueroa

On June 20, 2012, Roberta Shaffer, Associate Librarian for Library Services, met with the renowned Venezuelan intellectual and constitutional scholar, Allan Brewer-Carías.  At the meeting,  Professor Brewer presented Roberta Shaffer with copies of three books he has authored since his last visit to the Law Library of Congress in November of 2011, namely:

  1.  “Derecho Procesal Constitucional: Instrumentos para la Justicia Constitucional” [Constitutional Procedural Law: Instruments for Constitutional Justice] (2012)
  2. Los Inicios del Proceso Constituyente Hispano y Americano” [The Beginnings of the Hispanic and American Constituent Process] (2011)
  3. La Constitución de la Provincia de Caracas del 31 de Enero de 1812” [The Constitution of the Province of Caracas of January 31, 1812] (2011).

Roberta invited Professor Brewer to visit the Library of Congress again during the fall of 2012 to celebrate the prodigious collection of law books he has authored – over 178 titles cataloged at the Library of Congress.

Professor Brewer and Dante. Photo by Samuel Urueta


Inscription by Professor Brewer. Photography by Samuel Urueta

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