The following is a guest post by Dante Figueroa, Senior Legal Analyst at the Law Library of Congress. Dante has posted on his Visit to the University of Costa Rica’s Law School Library and a previous visit and lecture by Professor Brewer-Carías.

On June 20, 2012, Roberta Shaffer, Associate Librarian for Library Services, met with the renowned Venezuelan intellectual and constitutional scholar, Allan Brewer-Carías. At the meeting, Professor Brewer presented Roberta Shaffer with copies of three books he has authored since his last visit to the Law Library of Congress in November of 2011, namely:
- “Derecho Procesal Constitucional: Instrumentos para la Justicia Constitucional” [Constitutional Procedural Law: Instruments for Constitutional Justice] (2012)
- “Los Inicios del Proceso Constituyente Hispano y Americano” [The Beginnings of the Hispanic and American Constituent Process] (2011)
- “La Constitución de la Provincia de Caracas del 31 de Enero de 1812” [The Constitution of the Province of Caracas of January 31, 1812] (2011).
Roberta invited Professor Brewer to visit the Library of Congress again during the fall of 2012 to celebrate the prodigious collection of law books he has authored – over 178 titles cataloged at the Library of Congress.