The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) is a good source for following legal developments around the world. An excellent example of this is the range of topics covered by the GLM articles published in August, which included: Administrative law and regulatory procedures; Family planning and birth control; Human rights; Crime and law enforcement; Immigration; Taxation; and Freedom of the press. The following is a list of the seven most viewed articles in the order of their popularity:
- China: Provincial Family Planning Regulations Amended Allowing More Couples to Have a Second Child.
- European Court of Human Rights; Finland: Court Rules on Change of Gender Issue.
- China: Statistics on Family Planning Fines Released.
- Japan: Possession of Child Pornography Finally Punishable.
- Israel: Immigration of Same-Sex Spouses Under the Law of Return.
- Finland: Plan to Become a Smoke-Free Country.
- Senegal: Newspaper Editor Charged over Ebola Story.
The Global Legal Monitor published 26 articles in August, including: an article on a guidance paper and draft rulings on Bitcoin in Australia; an article on regulations in Indonesia introducing alternatives to custodial sentencing for drug offenders; and an article on a measure in Afghanistan to protect children from military recruitment.
You can access more Global Legal Monitor articles by going to the Law Library website, signing-up for email alerts or RSS feeds. If you’re on Twitter, you can access GLM articles through tweets via @lawlibcongress using the hashtag #GlobalLegalMonitor.
Por medio de la presente agradeciendo la aplicación global.