The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) is a good source for following legal developments around the world. An excellent example of this is the range of topics covered by the GLM articles published in August, which included: Administrative law and regulatory procedures; Family planning and birth control; Human rights; Crime and law enforcement; Immigration; Taxation; and Freedom …
The following is a guest post by Janice Hyde, director of the Global Legal Collection Directorate at the Law Library of Congress. The Law Library of Congress has always relied on primary sources of law wherever possible to respond to requests from the U.S. Congress and its other patrons. For foreign countries, the fundamental source …
The plans for the Law Library Reading Room‘s renovation have been finalized, and we are preparing to move operations to the ground floor of the Madison building during construction. This will be a complicated operation taking about three and a half weeks to shift to our temporary space. For those of you who have visited …
On August 8, the American Bar Association debuted the traveling exhibition, Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215-2015, at their annual meeting in Boston. Nathan Dorn gave a “pop-up speech” at the conference’s expo to discuss how the narrative and images came together to tell the story of 800 years of Magna Carta. Law Librarian of Congress …
We recently started to do some user testing on our website, It has been interesting to listen to the feedback because I know the answers and sometimes people are close but miss what I can clearly see. I’m sitting in my office occasionally saying things to the screen (while my phone is muted). I have sat …
The Law Library will host Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University, for the next program in the Magna Carta lecture series on Tuesday, September 16 at 1:00 p.m., in the Montpelier Room on the sixth floor of the Library’s James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C. …
Six of our staff from various divisions — including Public Services, Legislative & External Relations and Global Legal Research — participated in the National Book Festival this year, handing out 2500 of our famous gavel pencils as well as flyers with information about the Law Library of Congress (LLC). As I have done in previous years, I asked my colleagues …
Here it is, our beloved Law Library card catalog–in its day, a glorious collection of information on all legal material in the Library of Congress’ collection, sorted by Author, Title and Subject. So admired that a smaller version was housed behind the reference desk, holding duplicate cards for those titles shelved in the Reading Room. …
This is a guest post by Dante Figueroa, a senior legal information analyst at the Law Library of Congress. Dante is a frequent contributor to In Custodia Legis. His recent posts relate to Roman and Canon law collections, rules on the election of a new pontiff, the treasures of the Italian Parliamentary Libraries, and international …