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Archive: May 2014 (2 Posts)

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Daria Pistriak, Legislative Fellow

Posted by: Hanibal Goitom

Today’s interview is with Daria Pistriak, a staffer at Ukraine‘s Office of the Ombudsman, currently interning at the Law Library of Congress as part of her participation in the Legislative Fellows Program, a U.S. Department of State-funded program designed to expose promising young professionals from selected European countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine) to …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Laws of Tanzania – Global Legal Collection Highlights

Posted by: Hanibal Goitom

On April 26, 2014, Tanzania celebrated 50 years of the Tanganyika and Zanzibar union.  A former German (1880s-1918) and British (1919-1961) colony, Tanganyika (now commonly referred to as mainland Tanzania) became independent on December 9, 1961.  Zanzibar, which also saw successive colonial rulers (p. 15), including under Portugal, the Busaidy Dynasty and Britain, gained its …