This is a guest post by Anne Guha, who was an intern with the Law Library’s Public Services Division this spring and is now working in Public Services, with expert assistance from Nicolas Boring, a foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. At this time of year (well, honestly, at all times of …
The following is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, a foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas has previously contributed posts on French Law – Global Legal Collection Highlights, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mining Rights in France and How Sunday Came to be Established as a Day of Rest in France. While for some …
Six of our staff from various divisions — including Public Services, Legislative & External Relations and Global Legal Research — participated in the National Book Festival this year, handing out 2500 of our famous gavel pencils as well as flyers with information about the Law Library of Congress (LLC). As I have done in previous years, I asked my colleagues …
The following is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas has previously contributed guest posts on French Law – Global Legal Collection Highlights and Napoleon Bonaparte and Mining Rights in France. It is no secret that French workers benefit from a generous amount of vacation time. Indeed, …
It is that time of year again – the National Book Festival! This year the Festival will be taking place on Saturday, August 30th at the Washington National Convention Center. Once again, Law Library staff are participating in the Book Festival with six staff members manning our booth. We will have some familiar faces at …
Home with a cold this spring, I was re-reading a mystery novel which centered in part around the fate of a British officer in World War I. In the novel, the officer had been executed for cowardice which made me begin to think about movies which portray incidents of military justice. Although fellow staff members …
Today’s interview is with Jessica Ho-Wo-Cheong, an intern with the Global Legal Research Directorate’s Foreign, Comparative, and International Division I. Describe your background. I am a proud Canadian, born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. I just graduated from l’Université de Montreal with a civil law degree. Beforehand I completed my undergraduate degree at McGill University, Honors …
The following is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, Foreign Law Specialist for France and French-speaking countries in the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center. Nicolas has previously written a post for In Custodia Legis on the history of subsoil rights in France titled Napoleon Bonaparte and Mining Rights in France. As one might expect, …