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Courts around the Library of Congress – Pics of the Week

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There is more than one “court” near the Library of Congress.  The most obvious is the Supreme Court of the United States, which–just as the Law Library–was once also in the Capitol Building.

Supreme Court and Library of Congress
Supreme Court and Library of Congress

There is also “The Court of Neptune Fountain,” which is at the front of the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress.

Court of Neptune Fountain in front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress
The Court of Neptune Fountain in front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress

And probably the least well-known is Library Court, which is a small alley behind the Adams Building of the Library of Congress.

Library Court behind the Adams Building of the Library of Congress
Library Court behind the Adams Building of the Library of Congress

I have walked by Library Court many times, and yet I know very little about it.  Do you know why it was named Library Court?  Is it safe to assume it was because of the Library of Congress?

The next time you visit us, see if you can spot the three courts outside the Library of Congress.  Then head inside the Jefferson Building for Donna’s Glimpse of Law tour.

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