With each release of Congress.gov, THOMAS is one step closer to retiring to Monticello. Tina has recently joined the Congress.gov team and has been working on a gap analysis between the two systems. She is identifying items such as the Senate Executive Communications and Congressional Record Index that exist only on THOMAS as things to …
With each update the new Law Library of Congress Reading Room comes more into focus. The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) has continued to do great work in the space. If you are following along at home, first the space was emptied and then it was gutted. The previous batch of photos provided the first glimpse of …
This is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, French foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas wrote FALQs: Freedom of Speech in France and co-collaborated on the post, Does the Haitian Criminal Code Outlaw Making Zombies. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada and my first language is …